Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
In 2021. Waverley Meadows Preschool first partnered with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to deliver Pleasurable Food Education to our three and four year old preschool children. We are pleased to continue to offer this program.

Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA) Puppy Training Program
In 2019, Waverley Meadows Preschool took on a puppy as a part of the Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA) Puppy Training Program. The children helped to train and care for the puppy during its first 12 months of life. Our role as puppy carers is to help the puppy become patient and kind as well as become used to being around and amongst a variety of environments and situations. Along the way the children develop empathy and respect as well as learn a lot about the life of blind and visually impaired people.
In 2022, this program is now in its fourth year.

The Resilience Project
We are excited to partner with The Resilience Project again in 2022 to deliver and introduce positive mental health strategies at a key point in children’s emotional development. Using the programs four pillars of gratitude, empathy, mindfulness and emotional literacy, educators help to deliver a 21 week program that provides children with lifelong skills they can take with them. Thanks to Government School Readiness Funding (SRF) we have been able to source and implement this program to benefit children, families as well as educators.
Sounds Good To Me
Waverley Meadows has introduced Sounds Good To Me - a phonological awareness program designed specifically for children aged between three and six years of age.