Waverley Meadows Preschool is a member of Monash City Council’s Central Enrolment System. Monash City Council maintains a selection criteria including preference for Monash City Council residents.
To apply for a place at our preschool, please complete the enrolment form via the Monash City Council’s online Parent Portal.
Applications close 30th June in the year prior (applications for 2026 close Monday 30th June 2025).
Families will receive an offer from the City of Monash after the 30th June. Upon acceptance with the Council, families will receive further enrolment information from Waverley Meadows Preschool.
Children not yet three:
Children are able to start three year old preschool if three before 30th April in the year that they attend. Please however note, Government regulations state children can only commence attending after their third birthday.

Our Kindergarten program, staff and the facilities have been rated as ‘Exceeding’ the National Quality Standard and we are proud to have achieved such a high standard. Our staff are always looking for ways to improve and build on the already dynamic program and opportunities which are offered to the children and families of Waverley Meadows.
A comprehensive program is prepared by the staff, according to the children’s ideas and needs at the time. Provocations are set up for a ‘hands on’ experience to provide the opportunity for the children to further develop their social, emotional, physical and cognitive abilities. Developmental goals and individual planning cycles will be set for the group as a whole as well as for the individual child. Some goals may be worked towards throughout the whole year; while others may be in place for a term or only a couple of weeks before they are achieved. Observations of the children at play and their interactions with others will also be taken; these form the basis of the Program Planning Cycle.
We believe that children learn through active participation in a stimulating and challenging environment, which fosters self-organisation and conflict resolution. Consequently, children need direct experiences and direct manipulation of objects. The learning program at Waverley Meadows Preschool is structured within the parameters of the Victorian Government prescribed ‘Early Years Learning and Development’ Framework (VEYLDF).
As each child experiences more ways of dealing with their world, there needs to be ample opportunity to learn through play. Children need time to explore and manipulate the environment at their own rate and time to be themselves.
We place an emphasis on the process the child uses and goes through while engaging with provocations rather than the production of a product. Each child needs to be pleased with what they have achieved for themselves, not what an adult has made for them.
​Don’t be alarmed if your child does not come home with lots of “work” each day. It doesn’t mean that he/she has done nothing at Kinder, rather that he/she has been learning and developing skills at provocations which have no visible products to take home.
Important skills your child learns while at preschool:
An understanding and respect for themselves and others
Confidence in self-expression of their feelings and ideas
Independence and responsibility for themselves and their actions as individuals and as part of the group
Self-motivation and problem solving skills
Creativity and imagination in thought and expression
Understanding and use of verbal and non-verbal language as a means of communication
Sensory awareness, and progression in physical skills and manipulation
Willurt (Possums) Three Year Old Program
Our exciting three year old Possums program is specifically designed for young learners. Attending for 13 hours per week from 2023 (five hours on a Wednesday and five hours on a Friday plus a 3 hour M.A.G.I.C. session), children are eligible to register if they have turned or are due to turn 3 by the 30th of April in the year of attendance. Please note, Government regulations state that a child turning three after the Kinder year has started, will be unable to commence until on or after their third birthday. This may mean, in some cases they won’t be eligible to start until Term 2. If your child falls into this category, please contact us to discuss your child’s readiness for starting Kinder.
The Possums program includes three hours per week as a part of our M.A.G.I.C. Group. M.A.G.I.C. Group is a mixed age group made up of both Possums group children and Tawny Frogmouth (4YO) children.
Djinith-Djinith (Tawny Frogmouth) Four Year Old Program
The four year old Tawny Frogmouth group consists of a group of 30 children who attend three sessions per week for a total of 15 hours. Having one group consisting of the same children allows continuity for the children and for them to get to know each other better.
Voluntary Contributions
Update to our fees:
Please note, that the M.A.G.I.C. Group provides hours above the 15 hours funded by the Victorian Government making the program an unfunded program for these enrolments. A fee of $275 per term applies for unfunded hours.